Saturday, February 22, 2020

Automated customer satisfaction

Any business that is interested in out-performing competitors should make customer satisfaction the goal of all products and services. The practice of responding to customers complaints is becoming archaic with the advent of technology and the intelligent systems that can be deployed in order to boost return on investment.

When a majority of your customer base find your product reliable, they will not only patronise, they'll also spread the word to their friends and associates. Free marketing and good publicity will come and this can propel your company from an ordinary enterprise to a household name.

Build digital products that are friendly, efficient and intelligent. In a digital organisation, beautiful user interface is not the only aspect a product owner should focus on. While a friendly service/product will get customers on-board, efficiency and intelligence will increase the long term value (LTV) of your product.

For instance,  a mobile app development company should leverage on the power of data analytics and AI tools that will automatically report and predict defects of an app. The customers shouldn't give a bad rating on the app store before the social marketing team requests for further information.

By using automated customer satisfaction mechanism, the appropriate unit should be notified without a human interaction. The affected customer should get a message acknowledging an unpleasant experience with an SLA on when such issue will be resolved.

This approach will increase the confidence of the consumer in any product and the company will save a lot of money by not dedicating precious hours into investigation and resolution of bugs or unplanned maintenance.

You can reach out to me if you need a guide on the implementation of this mechanism in any of your digital product.

