Thursday, April 27, 2023

CyberSecurity Alert: Prevent data breach!

 You can check out some of my open-source projects on GitHub. Check to see my code repository. I have a Node Package Manager (NPM) package called secure-password-utility. It can be used on web applications built with React, Angular, Vue, Svelte or any other frontend framework or library. 

What does it do?

If you use this package in your front-end application, the security of your solution will be enhanced because weak passwords won't be allowed on your app. There's no need to write a custom validation to achieve this and there are several functions you can call to meet your requirement. This will also prevent users from creating profiles using commonly used passwords that could lead to a data breach. So, in reality, this is a necessary plugin you should use while building a web app.

What more can you expect?

This package will be made available in other programming languages like Kotlin, Java and Dart in a few weeks.

Download Secure Password Utility on npm using this link.

Do you want more custom solutions like this or perhaps you have a specific need? 

Send me a message on LinkedIn.


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